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Witches Dance 2

Rachel and I tenderly made love that day, several times. I watched her limber up and dance. We talked, we kissed, we went on walks through their garden. We made love inside, we made love outside in the fall leaves. I hoped deeply in my heart that Camille was having as good a time as I was. Then came time for bed, and we made love until we fell asleep.

Sunday morning, I awoke to coffee, rolls, and talk again. We made love, we talked. We kissed for hours, and we talked. I learned so much about Rachel, her smart, deep mind, her classical tastes, her background, her life, her hopes, her dreams, her fears. Her greatest fear was loosing Matt. That was why she had been so driven to form the witches circle. Not only did it solve their problem, but it struck at the heart of hers. Matt could never leave her now. Where would he find a woman who would share other women with him like this? I saw her at once as more fragile and stronger than I had ever suspected. At the end of the day, she had her driver take me home, dressed in one of Matt's suits. Camille was walking on cloud nine. She had clearly had some marvelous sexual experiences, but adamantly refused to talk about it. She was still so turned on that we never made it to the bedroom, screwing fiercely in the hallway upstairs as we heard Nana drive up with the kids. That ended all discussion about the matter, and other than the greatly increased libido and desire for each other that lasted for two weeks, we didn't speak about it again. She was my wife. I was her husband. We loved each other, and that was that.

The week before Thanksgiving, Nana took the boys again, and Camille drove me to Johnathan and Kirsten's. Kirsten wanted to go dancing, and we did, hooping from club to club. She was wild, she was hot, and she didn't wear any panties. We went to Georgetown, hitting all the best clubs. We got thrown out because she was sucking me off in the back of one of the bars. We took a cab back to her place, and started in on a wild festival of oral sex. Kirsten could really put a hurt on you, she knew her way around a cock. We came so many times I lost count. She could always blow me hard again, until I passed out from exertion. In the morning, I got up and fixed her breakfast. We talked briefly, then she had a whole list of things to do, places to go, things to see. I'd done D.C. years ago, but we took the Metro and saw Air & Space, The National Art Gallery, the Old Post Office, and finally the National Zoo. Then we went home, ate a pizza, watched XXX films and screwed until dawn. I got up, made breakfast again, even though it was noon, and we spent the afternoon sucking and licking each other into ecstasy. Camille dropped Jonathan off as she picked me up, and we had a very quiet ride home with smiles a mile wide. We didn't even get up to the rug in the hallway upstairs, but slammed our bodies together in the roughest sex I can remember right on the hardwood floor of our den. No explanations, no excuses. We went back to being more tender, but the heat didn't fade.

Two weeks before Christmas, Camille dropped me off at Nora's. She kissed Michael hotly, then left. Michael was picked up by Hannah, who kissed me hotly, then Nora and I were alone. Her brownstone was really remarkable, a great example of what can be done to restore an older home. We bundled up, and took walks in the snow in the park, talking and learning about each other. She cooked me a fabulous meal, with wine and soft warm bread. For dessert we had fudge sundaes.

We snuggled on their couch, listening to soft jazz and talking through our lives. The kissing started gently, then built through layer after layer of intensity. We stripped down without even thinking, and the cold leather of the couch was a real shock to my bare skin. I took her upstairs to her bedroom, a soft four poster bed, and we made very slow and tender love, while we opened up our hearts to each other. I knew more about her experiences with Michael, Wil, and Kevin, than I did about Camille's. Wil had been very rude at first. Nora had put her foot down, and that was what Wil needed. He eventually left with both of them on good terms, but it was not her favorite situation, clearly. Kevin was a fabulous lover, attentive, gentle, and very well skilled. He was also well equipped, I was informed. She had practically made Hannah peel her off of him the way Heather had to be peeled off of me. I found out that her oral skills were no match for Kirsten, but she was a great ski bunny, the kind you like to ride slow, making tender love to, while it snows outside. We went on walks, we had snowball fights, we made angels and a snowman, and a very well stacked snow woman. Nora's large breasts were very sensitive, so I teased them the entire time we made love, just like I did her clit, and the strength of her climaxes told me that I was a very good lover indeed.

Camille was naked in my chair, playing with herself when I got home. We locked into an oral embrace that ended only when we had to rush upstairs when Nana came home. Her time with Matt left her on a high burn that didn't fade for days. Every time we had a spare moment, we were on top of each other. Even the boys noticed "Mom and Dad are in love again!"

Rachel had planned for a grand New Years party, but half of us couldn't come, so they ended up canceling it. Matt had been raving to her about Camille, and she wistfully told me that one of the reasons she had set up the New Years bash was so she could make love with me again. "We'll have our chance." I told her. "I hope so. I truly hope so." she said. Midway through the first month of the new year, Heather got her wish. Camille dropped me off, and her plain home had the evidence of Wil's drinking. None of that mattered to her, and her body glued to me the moment I came in the door and didn't let loose except when she really, truly had to. She nearly crushed my head with her muscular thighs when she came as I ate her, and her mouth was always on me. Even when I tried to watch some TV Saturday night, she was there, sucking on me, like a little baby with her pacifier. I couldn't imagine how Wil could treat this woman the way he obviously did, but I was only her lover, and he was her husband. Camille pried us apart, still hot and wet from her session with Kevin. His cum was still inside her when we got home, and we could barely crawl into the den, screwing all the way. Camille played with herself all the time that week, and an orgasm was never more than a few minutes of concentrated touching away. Camille and I made soft tender love every night, until very late, as she moaned into her pillow. She still wouldn't tell me a word.

Valentine's Day weekend, Camille dropped me off at Hannah's. Hannah welcomed me at the door in just the same firehouse red lingerie she had worn the night of the first party. Her panties were drenched, and her pungent odor was strong, but not unpleasant. I got to know that odor and her taste very well. She was a great lover, and she took care of all my needs. She had fruit for us to rub on each other and lick off. She was skilled orally, and she even used her auto suck toy on me, just as we used a great variety of vibrators, _dildos, oils, and body paint's on her. She was incredibly playful, and I found her both an erotic ally and someone I could confide in. By turns I found her to be a hot lover, a playful child, a den mother, a stern taskmaster ( when eating her out), then the softest teddy bear I'd ever had. We made love, we fell asleep. We woke, we ate, we played, we talked endlessly, before, during, and after. I learned secrets about my wife, and every other one of the women.

Camille was practically cold when I got home. Wil did not play well with others, I guessed. Camille spent a lot of time on the phone that week, and I felt something was going on, but I didn't get let in on it.

The middle of March, a new twist unfolded. Rachel had set up this weekend to be by agreement. No one really wanted Wil, but Nora and Michael finally agreed to trade. Camille's second choice was Matt, but she and Kirsten were both asking for him, and Kirsten won. That left Hannah and Kevin. Hannah suggested that we just stay together as a foursome. Camille was wary, but when I enthusiastically said yes, she caved in and agreed. We drove to their house, and they met us in comfortable robes. We had a cookout, started out with back rubs, then front rubs, then slid into gentle rounds of oral sex, men on the women, switching back and forth, then women on the men, switching back and forth. I got to see my wife take another man's large cock into her mouth, and then into her tight pussy, for the very first time. We went on like that for hours, and finally Kevin and I petered out. Hannah started in using her toys on Camille, and Camille grabbed a vibrator and started in on Hannah. It rapidly escalated into a very hot sixty nine, and Kevin and I finally rejoined them, taking the place of the vibrators as they licked each other to the limits of sanity and beyond.

We still keep to that original schedule. I know I will make love to Rachel each April and October, as long as I want to. Wil is in A. A., and he is finally getting his life straight and treating people right. Camille is still incandescently hot every time she comes back to me, but we have more foursomes, and the circle has been a great boost to all of our sex lives. I have a greater variety of women in real life than most men have in their fantasies. Even better, I've gotten to know those women, as real people, and I treasure them. Our relationships have given me people to talk to about anything, people who love me deeply, people I care about deeply. So I beg of you, if the witches spell comes to your neighborhood, surrender to the enchantment, go where it leads you!

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