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Winnmen's Gym 2

To her amazement, despite the danger that could lurk behind such a statement, Ben asked, "How long? Where? I mean, you're not a murderer, are you?"

Good questions, Val thought, and she knew she had no mean intentions, but coming down from fantasy to reality like descending from a high, she found it amazing this stranger was actually considering giving himself up to her. She said, "No. I have no such intentions." She thought for a moment and decided he deserved a bit more of an explanation.

Turning in her seat to face him more directly, she said, "Listen. I don't know about you, but I get very little time to have fun with my life. I've never done anything like this before, but I have a fantasy, this, what we are doing, and for some reason, tonight, I find it time to fulfill. You area attractive, maybe a bit too macho, and you meet my fantasy, well, perfectly. If you want to go on, great. If not, say so and I'll drop you back off at the club."

Ben looked at her a moment and sat back in his seat to look forward. Hw seemed to be thinking about the potential for danger, but quickly got over it. "Okay, deal. I've never been into any BDSM, but hey, there's always a first time, no?"

Valerie was as surprised at herself for asking as she was at him for accepting. This guy was a "clubber," dropping bucks in the G-strings of women he didn't know, probably hookers on the side, and now was maybe willing to let a complete stranger do just about anything she wanted to him. Was there no end to the raw sexual needs of men?

Her mind sifted gears again and began laying out a plan. First, she had to make sure the guy never found out who she was. A blindfold! She looked around and found nothing. Then, around Ben's neck, was his tie. She reached over and undid it and pulled it from the collar of his shirt. It was long and wide enough to go around Ben's head twice to ensure he couldn't see through it or around it. She tied a knot in back that would probably ruin the tie, but who cared. He obviously didn't.

Ben inhaled her musky perfume while focusing on his left arm where one of the woman's breasts was pushed into him. He didn't mind the blindfold. It was a bit scary, she being as stalwart as she was, but he didn't get that kind of vibration from her. He let her finish and got ready to object if she tried to tie his hands, but she didn't. Instead she said, "Relax. I'll take you to my place. It's about a thirty minute ride."

Chapter Three

Val and Ben traded some small talk on the way to her gym, but both seemed rather subdued, each no doubt wondering where this bizarre evening was going to end up.

It turns out, Ben was not a regular "clubber." He was there with his friends who had been trying to get him "hooked up" for months. Ben was a workaholic, like Val and so many others these days. He had his own agency in the insurance business and lived well, but alone. His first marriage was a fiasco, falling apart in bed just a few months after it began. And now that his business was going well, practically running itself, he was open to new vistas. The trip to the club that night was the culmination of months of trying by his friends, and he was sure they'd be prouder of their work than they'd ever dreamed by tomorrow morning.

Val told Ben some generalities about herself, the fact that she was an entrepreneur and a workaholic, but didn't mention any names or places. She liked this guy, but she was not ready to trust him. They arrived at their destination just after eleven and Val led Ben inside, still blindfolded.

She took a moment to look him over and got excited again, just like she had in the club. Here was a man an inch or so taller than her, about 220 pounds by her expert eye, muscular as she could tell from contact with his upper arm, and solid. He didn't push easy. She found herself beginning to hope he was well endowed, thinking of the man's cock spearing her when she commanded, his face giving her..."

"So does this blindfold come off now?" He interrupted her thoughts.

"No." She walked him a few more steps and pushed him up against the horizontal bar rack on one wall. There were many wooden dowel type rods across the wall at roughly one foot vertical intervals, used for a variety of exercises in the gym, but about to serve an entirely new purpose tonight. Val pushed her body up against his from behind, being sure to compress her firm breasts against his back, and her hips against his ass before saying, "I'm going to have my way with you, like you offered. If that's no okay, say so right now."

Ben was silent for a moment then asked, "Can we at least use a safe word or something? You're asking a lot here. I don't know you. You could be some freak murderer or something, not that I think you are but, well..."

"Get back!" Val said loudly.

Ben tried to move, but was pinned. "I can't."

"No," Val said. "You tell me to get back, and I will, no questions asked, but then we get back in the car, still blindfolded, and I take you back to your car. Agreed?" She pushed up against him again, letting him know what he'd be missing if he changed his mind.

"Agreed." Ben seemed to relax a little bit. "Have your way." Then he added, "Hey, is there anything against my enjoying this too?"

Val laughed and said, "I hope you do."

She grabbed some straps off a hook at the end of the rack of dowels. One by one, she tied them to Ben's wrists, and ankles. Then she pulled his right hand out to the side and up about the level of his head and secured it to the bars. She followed with the left and the knelt down to work on his feet. The first one spread right easily, and was secured. The left one however, gave her some trouble. As she pulled Ben's ankle out sideways, this lowered his body considerably, putting new tension in his arms. At first she thought she'd have to release some pressure but when she asked, "Are you okay?"

Ben, with some noticeable relief in his voice said, "Yeah. It's tight, but it feels good, actually. I'll let you know if it hurts." He was glad she had concern enough to ask. It was the first time he began to feel some confidence in his opinion that she was not a murderer, but one hot woman with an adventuresome spirit. This was going to be all right after all.

Val stood and snuggled up to the body of her prisoner and put her arms around in front. She let her hands run freely over his chest, feeling his rather taught pectorals and equally tight stomach. Then she undid his belt and pants button, slowly pulling down his zipper, and let them fall, fetching up on his spread eagled thighs.

Ben's shirt tails were obscuring the view of his ass, but she reached down in front and massaged the bulge in his shorts with a gasp of breath at her good fortune. He was hard as nails and big as she'd ever known. This was going to be a treat in more ways than one. She continued to massage him another minute or two before sliding her hands down the front of his shorts and grabbing his massive dick in all ten of her fingers.

"Ahhh, that's nice," Moaned Ben.

"You like that, don't you?" Observed Val, continuing her ministrations on his meat. He was circumcised and she could easily feel the shape and contours of the helmet head of his prick. She reached down with one hand and took his ball sac in her fingers, kneading it gently and flipping his testicles around in her hand like a couple of marbles.

Her fantasy, long repressed, was coming true. She had a man, a big and powerful man, restrained on the wall of her own gym, a gym for women alone to ward off the smelly, messy obnoxious male bodies women frustratingly could not do without. But tonight, the first man ever was in Winnmen's Gym, and he was there in the capacity warranted by the gym's policy, restrained and subservient to the Proprietress herself.

Every now and then, Ben's body jerked tight and Val soon realized she was squeezing a bit too hard. She was impressed he said nothing, no complaints and no safe word. This guy was getting more interesting by the minute, and more true to her fantasy.

She backed away a foot and put one hand down the back of his Jockey's and ran her finger down his crack until she felt his puckered little hole tighten to her touch. She smiled. She pushed against it a few times, and was suddenly in need of seeing more of this man and the action of her fingers on him. She withdrew, released his legs from the rack, and slid his pants and shorts off before spreading and securing him once more to the rails.

Val put her hands back on his hips and pulled herself up against his ass. Ben moaned, betraying his approval of her closeness. She leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "You want me to fuck you, don't you Ben? You really do want me to fuck you right in your tight little ass, don't you?" She wiggled her loins against him and evoked another, louder moan. A light went off in her mind.

In her office, she had a master key to all the lockers in the locker room. She retrieved it and proceeded directly to Jennifer's locker, where she knew the two lesbians kept some of their special toys. Sure enough, among other things in a medium sized gym bag, was a strap on harness. She pushed the pile of stuff around curiously and found what looked like the right size dildo among all the toys. She was getting hotter just fishing through the bag, and promised herself she'd have to come back another time and peruse the pile of sex objects more leisurely. As she was about to close the bag, she noticed another dildo, smaller and fatter than the first one, also with a snap on the end, and quickly realized the strap on had the capability of working on both parties at once. Delighted, she lifted the two items and started to put the bag back in the locker, but thought better of it and took the whole bag her as well. She practically ran back to the rack of rails in the "Big Room."

"I have a surprise for you Ben, all tied up and vulnerable man that you are. I have a very impressive surprise for you."

Ben's head moved as if to see what she had, but the blindfold made his move fruitless.

Val stripped. She pulled off her cashmere sweater, and her stretchy-smooth bra. Next her G-string and skirt came off all in one motion. She left her heels on, but was otherwise quickly naked, a strange feeling for her in the spacious area of the "Big Room."

She fixed the two dildos to the strap on harness and couldn't help but spasm her vaginal canal in anticipation of the penetrating device she was about to enjoy while fucking her victim. She'd never done this before and suddenly all her earlier boredom and headaches of running a business were so far behind they were erased from memory. All that mattered now was inserting the dildo in her moistening pussy, and fixing the strap on straps securely to her waist. She went about the first task with a quick insertion into her mouth. Though she could easily see the little dong's girth, once inserted its size surprised her. She had to suppress a strangely exciting gag.

"Mmmmm," She said to let Ben know she was working on something. Little did he know, she thought, sucking the fat little dick as deep into her throat as she could, certainly farther than anything she'd ever shoved down her throat before. Her pussy was practically dripping now.

Ben wiggled on the rack, obviously anxious, or worried. Val was sure it was the former. He must know what was coming. She then began the slow and deliberate process of fucking herself with the inner dildo. Val felt her pussy stretching, the labia compressed around the stubby intruder, almost to the point of pain, not that different from when she tried inserting a vibrator up her ass one lonely night not too long ago.

When the dildo was properly seated in her vaginal canal, she looped the open straps around her waist and pulled them as tight as she could. Twice, she had to reinsert the dildo which kept slipping out of her now overly slippery slit. She finally looked around and found what she was looking for, a narrow bench she could straddle and sit on, keeping the fat little fucker insider her. Finally, she was able to concentrate on the under crotch strap. She reached around behind her and pulled it up and into the buckle on the belt above her crack. Working blind, she expertly pulled the strap tight, worked the buckle to perfection, and was suddenly armed and dangerous and very turned on.

The intruder was considerably fatter than most cocks, except maybe Ben's which as she approached him from behind, she could see pointing down between his legs where she'd left it. The sight of it now made her shiver. What would it be like to have that relative monster stretching the walls of her vagina instead of the shortened dildo version in her now -- length plus breadth? She couldn't wait to find out, but first things first.

It felt so good to be so full. It was a sense of power that overcame her. She looked down at the weapon she now wielded from her pubic mound and wiggled her hips. She was now the impaler, not to mention the impaled. It was as if she was now both male and female and she was more than content with that. She worked her hips forward and back, practicing the male side of an erotic coupling that promised to be one she'd never forget. The movement of the mammoth dong, up and down as well as forward and back, excited her. She visualized herself as a guy, studying proudly her very sensitive weapon, grinning at the coming assault from which her target could neither run, nor resist. She had the power, the pure sexual muscle to fuck her man in the ass, and she rocked her hips in shorter and faster jerks in her excited state. The jellied dong worked wonders with her.

Not wanting to explode too early, she did a few steps in different directions to get a feel for the rig and how it felt to move in it. It was exquisite. She did a couple squats to put pressure on the waist straps and sure enough, it pulled the dildo hard up into her pussy. Another surprise came in the form of the increased tension on her clit from the harness. This was becoming so hot it was barely controllable. She bent over and felt the crack strap tighten over her asshole and wondered if they made these things with double penetraters too. Finally, she stood behind Ben and used the lubricant spray she'd found in the bag. She spread the stuff liberally over the strap on's plunger. As she studied it while she applied and spread the lube, she marveled again at how big the beast was, how much lube it took to cover it, and suddenly feared it may be too much for the poor guy.

She reminded herself of the safe words, "Get back." She cooed in Ben's ear, "You remember the safe words? Don't say them unless you want me to stop. If I hear them, it's over, right?" She was holding his head back enough so she didn't have to touch him with the big dong while she spoke. She wanted that to be a complete surprise.

"I remember. I remember. Are you taking pictures back there or what?" He seemed a bit anxious now.

She did not respond. Instead, she moved her body close to him and spread his cheeks with one hand while guiding the big dong with the other. When its dead aim suddenly pushed against his anus, he jumped involuntarily, his body totally surprised at the obvious oncoming intrusion.

Val waited, just in case she'd misread him. The last thing she needed was to be accused of rape in her own gym. It would ruin her business, and her life. She wondered if her attention to security so far had accomplished its goal -- had the blindfolding, the remote pickup, the midnight use of her own secure facility, been successful in keeping Ben in the dark? Would it last after they were done? She shivered a moment, then pushed her determination and confidence back to the surface. She looked at the spread eagled man meat on her rack. He was horny as she was, and ready to be fucked, his back arching to present is ass to her, and his cock still pointing downward, but hard as nails and straining to erect.

Chapter Four

Ben's body revolted, against his will. The penetration of his ass drove a million signals to his brain - some routing themselves to receptors of excitement, of pleasure, and of longing for more, like an addict taking the first plunge of the needle, and others leaping to receptors of fear, of loathing pain, even death. These joined with earlier fears and self doubt about his reckless actions of joining this complete stranger in whatever dark fantasies she was inflicting on him. And then the jellied dick in his ass withdrew. His heart sank. His body crashed into tragic loss. He longed for the missing probe to re-enter and drive him home once more. Please, he thought, please don't stop now.

Val reached around his chest and grabbed his pectorals. She massaged and pinched the nipples on his rock hard tits. She then brought the dildo back between his legs, this time skipping under his asshole to push forward all the way to his balls, still pushed down and back by his restricted cock. Ben moaned and wiggled and pushed down so vigorously it made Val wonder just how much power she had. The man was desperate for her penetration, ready to stretch and jerk and jump in his restraints to plunge down on the massive dildo, just to be driven into and brought to orgasm.

Withdrawing one hand from his tits, she guided her new found manhood back along his crack, slowly, and pushing up with her hips to make sure he felt its passage down his scrotum and ass. This action also served to relax her now sensitized pubic mound, while pushing the fatter fucker around in her pussy.

When the dildo cleared his ass and flung freely before her, Ben let out a longing moan like she'd never heard before from a man. She was beginning to learn a lot from this stud. In the past, when men had taken her, it was, "Wham, bam, thank you, Ma'am." She had already spent more time with Ben in his state of captivity than she had in sexual activity with any other guy before, and he hadn't even had his dick inside her yet. And this made him so horny he could scarcely stand it? Well, she would remember this!

She smiled as she slowly nudged her weapon closer to his hole. She wanted to watch each and every reaction the coming ass-ault was about to inflict on her captive. When the monster was again at his anal door, she pushed further against its sphincter muscle, not yet enough to break through, but enough to let him know she was coming harder this time.

Suddenly she panicked. Was too much? Could he open that far? Was she about to carelessly hurt him? Damn! What if she did? What if she had to call an ambulance? What if...

"Fuck me, damnit!" He growled, humping his ass back at Val as if to punish her for not punishing him.

She reflexively plunged back into Ben like a train at full speed through a tunnel. She rammed him home on that first shove then reached around with her other hand and grabbed his other breast to pull him to her like glue. His outburst had galvanized her will. She was all animal now. The man wanted fucked -- and she was fucking the man. He deserved now whatever he got. Fuck the ambulance, fuck the pain, just let him have it. She pulled her nine inch prong out of him to the head, and plunged it right back in again.

She was near delirious with power. The guy was moaning and groaning under her assault. He bucked against the rack, seeming to want to fuck it, though the bars were too far apart to give him even the slightest friction to rub against. About the only satisfaction his cock could manage was the occasional collision with the bar just below his loins, where his dick occasionally knocked into it and sent at least some sensation to his brain that his massive sex organ was still there. And then they were still.

She held him there for sometime, allowing him to feel the breath and depth of her newfound phallus up his ass, while she too enjoyed the moment, the fat little cock insider her pussy and so tightly connected to its big brother that it seemed to feel Ben's ass pulsing, transferring those pulses to Val. She luxuriated in the moment, the penetration working on her like a drug, lifting her higher and higher until she felt the first throb in her clit.

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